Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Two Showers...

Surprise, surprise, believe it or not, we’ve been having internet problems since Thursday (really for the past 6+ weeks). Not that I would have posted before now as my thoughts have been, and still are, all over the place.

As I was in the shower tonight it occurred to me that I only have two more showers (unless I get unusually hot, sweaty and/or sandy ;) in my cute little room that has become home and my leaving became a whole lot more real.
I’ve obviously been aware that my departure date is getting closer and closer as the numbers on the calendar get larger and as my shelves empty and become bare as I’ve slowly been packing over the past few days… but only TWO more cold showers?? Really?? How is that possible??
So many things I wanted to do/accomplish these past four months but haven’t. There are meals I need to learn to make, mountain lakes to see, hikes to take, restaurants to eat at, moto rides to be taken, a language to learn, friendships to develop, more hugs and kisses to give.
Kind of makes me look back and ask what I would have done different… Kind of makes me think about life in general and how I don’t want to look back and wish I’d been more intentional, not let opportunities pass me by, not have been so worried about what people might think, that I’d loved more fully, openly and freely.
I know I am changed after this experience, I know this is where my heart is, I know this is where I’d like my life to be. I also have no idea if it’s where I’ll end up so my prayer is that, no matter where I end up, no matter where the next part of my journey takes me, no matter how long that journey is, I will remain changed, that I will allow God to continue changing me, that I will remember the lessons I’ve learned and be intentional, to look for opportunities to serve and to love.
I am giving you all permission to hold me accountable. When you see me being selfish and looking to my own interests, call me out; when you see me passing up opportunities to love and serve, pull me aside; when you see me being cautious because I’m worried what others might think, dare me to be bold.
I know it’s not your responsibility, but please don’t sit on the sidelines and watch me waste chances to share Christ’s love, opportunities to grow and be changed. I need people to join in the game with me.

And none of that was what I’d planned on writing…

Packed in like sardines :) We had 24 kids, 4 nannies and 2 Americans in our little Mahindra...

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