Tuesday, January 15, 2013



It’s all about life. Doing life together. Relationships.

When doing something like this (living in Haiti for 3 months, or any length) it’s hard not to feel like you need a title/job description. It’s what people expect.
I don’t have a title or set job description, I don’t know what I’ll be doing day to day. I’m literally living life in Haiti with the people God puts me in contact with each day. So simple but so hard to explain to people, they just don’t "get it."

Right now we have a young teenage girl temporarily living with us. Robertline is a student at Respire Haiti Christian School and we recently found out her brother, whom she’d been living with, moved to another town leaving her completely alone. A young teenage girl living by herself – this has rape written all over it. Robertline stayed with us for the first time last night and told Jessi, “I’m so glad I’m here, that I can sleep tonight and don’t have to be afraid.” When asked why she was afraid she responded, “boys come to my house at night and knock on the door, it scares me and I don’t sleep.” I’m sure this isn’t a friendly knocking and that it continues.
Can you even imagine that?
If I were a young teenage girl living alone in what we Americans would never consider a home and had boys knocking at my door every night I would be terrified!
Robertline got to sleep last night. No knocking. No fear. No worry. Tonight, right now, Robertline gets to sleep soundly for another night. This is what it is about. Building relationships, living life with each other, inviting people into our daily lives when they need help and we can offer it.

I could share more stories from the past two weeks of sharing life with people and the differences being made because of it. If Megan, Josh, Jessi, Rita and the rest of the RH team were focused on a title, a job description, getting their “to do” list accomplished so many of these opportunities would be over looked, so many of these relationships would never be.
So don’t be so focused on your task at hand, don’t get so focused on your title or “to do” list that you miss the opportunities right in front of you for relationship, the opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life.

Life. It’s all about doing life together. Relationship.

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